Shop Manager includes a CARFAX integration, which provides a vehicle plate to VIN decoder. You can enter in the plate of the vehicle and CARFAX will return the VIN registered to that vehicle. Taking the VIN information, CARFAX can automatically decode it, retrieve the vehicle information and populate the field in the Vehicle popup window. This feature offers faster and more accurate entry of the vehicle information.


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NOTE: The use of this service is completely optional and you are required to agree to the terms of service.



CARFAX provides vehicle service information to prospective buyers of a vehicle. Our agreement is that in exchange for the plate to VIN decoder, the repair information for your shop gets submitted to their service.


Terms of Service

Agreement to CARFAX terms of service includes acknowledgment that some vehicle and invoice data is transferrable to CARFAX on a regular basis–including the following:



To sign up for this service, contact your representative.