
Warranty is a guarantee of parts and/or labor to cover repairs or purchase of a part. In Shop Manager, warranty is a process for tracking materials and labor. This process begins with specifying items to be covered and concludes with receiving a credit for the claim.


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Warranty Pending Claims

Warranty Claims

Warranty Types

In-house / Internal Warranty


Warranty Setup

For each supplier that allows warranty claims, set the supplier type to include a warranty by checking the box in supplier settings. This can be done under the details section on the supplier contact, or within the supplier node of Setup.


There are two ways of processing a warranty with your customer, a supplier warranty or an internal warranty.


If you have an internal warranty program, then create a contact for the business and setup that contact as a warranty supplier.


You may need to manage both supplier and internal warranties and track them separately. If so, then consider establishing a warranty profit center and place two service categories within it–one for supplier warranties and one for internal warranties.


To track warranty "sales", create a service category for warranty. Create a warranty service package within the warranty service category. This service will be used on the work order.


Processing a supplier warranty for your customer

If you're helping a customer process a supplier warranty, continue reading in this section.


To process an internal warranty, see the section below: Processing an internal warranty for your customer.


Follow these steps to process a supplier warranty for your customer:


  1. Add the warranty package to the work order.

  2. Place the material item or labor operation that is getting the warranty on the work order as per normal.

  3. Right-click on the item and choose Warranty from the context menu by clicking on it.

  4. The Warranty Type dialog displays several options. Check the box for the appropriate calculation method:



  1. Click the Next button to proceed to the remain steps for the warranty type that you've chosen. See the section below.


Simple Warranty

A simple warranty claim is not processed according to usage.


Follow these steps to process a simple supplier warranty for your customer:


  1. Click the hyperlink to open the line item editor and change the Total Charge amount.

  2. If the customer is paying any portion of the work order, enter that amount in the To Be Paid By Customer field. You can edit the amount, but you will be prompted to either modify the total charge or vendor amount accordingly.

  3. The amount To Be Paid By Vendor is an automatic calculation–it's the total charge minus the amount to be paid by the customer.  You can edit the amount, but you will be prompted to either modify the total charge or vendor amount accordingly.

  4. Click on the drop-down list to choose the Vendor on which the warranty claim will be made.

  5. Add a Comment for this particular warranty claim. These are internal comments, so they won't be visible to the customer or vendor.

  6. If the item selected is a labor line, then you have the option  whether or not you wish to charge back labor time against a technician. Click the Charge Back box, enter the Total Labor Hours,enter how many hours you wish to charge back against the technician in the Charge Back Hours field, and choose the Technician to associate with this charge back.

  7. Click the OK button to commit your changes.


Prorated Warranty

A prorated warranty depends on a usage calculation, either by time or mileage.


Follow these steps to process a time-prorated supplier warranty for your customer:


  1. Enter in the days, months, or years of Coverage for the warranty and then choose the time measurement unit from the drop-down list.

  2. Choose the Start date for the coverage.

  3. The End date will automatically calculate according to the coverage duration and the value of the start date.

  4. Choose the Current date from the drop-down calendar.

  5. In the future, the value in the Used field will display–as a percentage–the amount of warranty already consumed.


Follow these steps to process a mileage-prorated supplier warranty  for your customer:


  1. Enter the total miles of Coverage for the warranty.

  2. Choose the Start mileage for the coverage.

  3. The End mileage will automatically calculate according to the coverage duration and the starting mileage.

  4. Enter the Current mileage.

  5. In the future, the value in the Used field will display–as a percentage–the amount of warranty already consumed.


For either a time or mileage prorated warranty, finish the processing with these steps:


  1. In the Total Charge field, enter the total cost of the items by clicking the Edit link to open the line item editor and change the total charge amount.

  1. If the customer is paying any portion of the work order, enter that amount in the To Be Paid By Customer field. You can edit the amount, but you will be prompted to either modify the total charge or vendor amount accordingly.

  2. If the customer is paying any portion of the work order, enter that amount in the To Be Paid By Customer field. You can edit the amount, but you will be prompted to either modify the total charge or vendor amount accordingly.

  3. The amount To Be Paid By Vendor is an automatic calculation–it's the total charge minus the amount to be paid by the customer.  You can edit the amount, but you will be prompted to either modify the total charge or vendor amount accordingly.

  4. Click on the drop-down list to choose the Vendor on which the warranty claim will be made.

  5. Add a Comment for this particular warranty claim. These are internal comments, so they won't be visible to the customer or vendor.

  6. If the item selected is a labor line, then you have the option  whether or not you wish to charge back labor time against a technician. Click the Charge Back box, enter the Total Labor Hours,enter how many hours you wish to charge back against the technician in the Charge Back Hours field, and choose the Technician to associate with this charge back.

  7. Click the OK button to commit your changes.


Tread Wear

A tire tread wear warranty provides coverage according to the amount of wear on the tire tread.


Follow these steps to process a tread-wear warranty for your customer:


  1. Enter the Minimum Tread Depth for the tire.

  2. Enter in the Tread Depth When New, which is the tire tread depth at the time of purchase.

  3. At the time of warranty claim, enter in the Current Tread Depth of the tire.

  4. In the future, the value in the Used field will display–as a percentage–the amount of warranty already consumed (according to the date for Tread Depth When New).

  1. In the Total Charge field, enter the total cost of the items by clicking the Edit link to open the line item editor and change the total charge amount.

  1. If the customer is paying any portion of the work order, enter that amount in the To Be Paid By Customer field. You can edit the amount, but you will be prompted to either modify the total charge or vendor amount accordingly.

  2. The amount To Be Paid By Vendor is an automatic calculation–it's the total charge minus the amount to be paid by the customer.  You can edit the amount, but you will be prompted to either modify the total charge or vendor amount accordingly.

  3. Click on the drop-down list to choose the Vendor on which the warranty claim will be made.

  4. Add a Comment for this particular warranty claim. These are internal comments, so they won't be visible to the customer or vendor.

  5. Click the OK button to commit your changes.


Processing an internal warranty for your customer

If you've done the setup for internal warranties, you can add that type of warranty to a work order.


Follow these steps to process an internal warranty for your customer:


  1. Add the warranty service package to the work order.

  2. Add the materials, but change the selling price to the total amount the customer is paying.

  3. Add the labor, but change the pricing to a fixed total and set the total to the amount the customer is paying. Remember to set the labor hours.

  4. If the labor warranty needs to be a charge back against a technician, use the warranty module against your internal supplier.


Processing a warranty with a supplier

If you've done the setup for one or more supplier warranties, you can add that type of warranty to a work order. Processing a warranty claim through a supplier is done through the Purchases module.


Follow these steps to process an supplier warranty for your customer:


  1. Click the Purchases button located in the ribbon.

  2. Locate Pending Claims in the left-hand menu. Enter "pending" in the search box or scroll down to find it beneath the Warranty category.

  3. Choose a Supplier from the drop-down list.

  4. Optionally, enter other search terms for Service Package title and line item descriptions. Or, leave the search terms empty to return all available claims.

  5. Click the Search button in the ribbon and, after a few moments, a list of matching items will appear.

  6. To edit details of a specific item, double-click the item and makes changes to the Vendor or the Amount and click the OK button.

  7. To view the invoice, select the item and then click the View Invoice button in the ribbon.

  8. To create the claim, choose one or more items from the list (choose multiple items by holding the Shift or CTRL key).

  9. Click on the Create Claim command button located in the Action group of the ribbon and the Warranty Claim dialog will open containing your selected items.

  10. You can change to a different Vendor , if necessary.

  11. Enter the Claim #, or choose an existing one. Typically, this claim number is often written onto a slip given by the vendor with the shipment.

  12. Click the OK button to proceed. The claim will no longer appear in the Pending Claims listing.


When you receive credit for your claim, you'll need to return to Purchases > Warranty Claims and post the credit to the vendor's payable account or make any adjustments.


Follow these steps:


  1. If you have it, enter a full or partial Claim Number.

  2. Select your Vendor from the drop-down list.

  3. Optionally, select a Status from the drop-down list.

  4. Click the Search button in the ribbon to display a list of any matching warranty claims.

  5. Double-click on the warranty claim ifyou need to makes changes.

  6. Below are the actions you can take by using the available ribbon functions: