Bank and credit card account payment features are found throughout Shop Manager, and these accounts are available for payment on goods and services for your business.
Read the bank account setup article and the credit card setup article to learn how to add, edit, and delete these accounts.
In this article, you'll learn how to:
view details for an account
transfer funds between accounts
reconcile these accounts
use a bank account or credit card account to pay for goods and services
Follow these steps to view bank account details, including transaction details:
Click the Banking button in the Home ribbon.
In the left window pane, click the bank account or credit card for which you want to see the details. In the figure below, you can see the Business Checking account.
To search for specific transactions, click the Find button in the ribbon and enter search criteria in the popup window.
In the listing, click the account for which you want to view the details and then click the View Detail button in the ribbon to display the details popup.
Undo a deposit: Click a transaction in the popup, click the Action drop-down button, and then click the Undo Deposit item. Enter "yes" to confirm that you want to undo the deposit.
Click the Close button to close the popup.
You can also find buttons in the ribbon to print, export, or email transaction details.
To record a transfer of funds from one account to another, follow these steps:
Click the Banking button in the Home ribbon.
In the left window pane, click the bank account or credit card from which you want to transfer funds (such as a Business Checking account).
Click the Bank Transfer button in the ribbon to display the popup, as shown in the figure below.
Choose a Date and also choose an account in the To drop-down to which you will transfer funds, such as a payroll checking account.
Optionally, enter a Reference Number and a Note, and then click the OK button.
In the left window pane of the Banking tab, click on the account to which the funds were transferred to see a new entry that contains the record of the transfer. This completes the record of the transfer.
Follow these steps to reconcile a bank or credit card account:
Click the Banking button in the Home ribbon.
In the left window pane, click the bank account or credit card that you need to reconcile.
Click the Reconcile button in the ribbon.
In the popup, choose a Statement Date.
Enter the closing balance for the statement in the Statement Amount field.
If interest is applicable, enter the date for the Interest payment and choose the Account to which the interest payment applies.
If necessary, choose a date on which a Bank Charge was assessed, the Amount of the charge, and the Account to which the charge applies.
Click Next to move to the Reconciliation listing, as shown in the figure below. To change the view to debit and credits, check the View Debit / Credit box.
To include a transaction in this reconciliation, check the box for that transactions. Or, click the Match button to automatically clear transactions prior to a specific End Date. Choose the date in the popup window and then click OK.
All transactions up to the End Date will be checked, as shown in the figure below.
If necessary, you can interrupt a reconciliation at any time by click the Cancel button and confirming in the popup prompt. Otherwise, click the OK button and then decide whether you want to print a copy of all cleared transactions.
The reconciled bank detail is purged, though the transactions will still appear in the general ledger and various reports. The statement balance is brought forward as the opening balance for the next reconciliation.
It's possible to undo the very last reconciliation by clicking the Undo button in the ribbon.
There are various features in which you can make payment with a bank account. For example, click the Make a Payment button in Accounts Payable to display the Payment popup window.
In the Payment popup, choose a Payment Method from the drop-down–as shown in the figure below.
Click the item for which you want to make a payment, and optionally change the Date, Payment Amount and Description. Then click OK to display the Check popup window.
Leave a check in the box if you want the check To be printed later, or uncheck the box to print the check immediately. You can also manually edit the check number in the No. field. Click OK to process the check.
The payment will post and a new line item will appear at the bottom of the listing.
There are various features in which you can make payment with a bank account. For example, click the Make a Payment button in Accounts Payable to display the Payment popup window. Then, choose a credit card a Payment Method from the drop-down–as shown in the figure below. The payment will post and a new line item will appear at the bottom of the listing.