Labor Rates

In Shop Manager, labor rates are set for billing labor time at a specific dollar rate. You can configure as many labor rates as you need. Users can then assign these labor rates to labor lines in concerns, inspections and service packages. Labor rates are also assignable to specific contacts and service items.

Accessing Labor Rates

To access the Labor Rates setup feature, click on the Setup button in the ribbon, then locate and click on the Labor Rates item beneath the Location Setup node in the left window pane. See the figure below.



Change the List Order

Labor rates will appear in various places throughout Shop Manager–in the order that you setup here in setup.


Follow these steps to move an item to a different position in the listing:


  1. Click-and-drag the item to a new position in the list (for example, from the bottom to the top of the listing).

  2. Click the Save button in the ribbon.


Add a Labor Rate

Follow these steps to add a labor rate:


  1. Access the Labor Rates setup feature as given in the instructions above.

  2. Click the Add button in the ribbon.

  3. Enter a distinctive Code that is easily recognizable for assigning this labor rate, then enter a descriptive Name for the labor rate.

  4. Enter the dollar value of the Rate.

  5. Click OK.


Edit a Labor Rate

Follow these steps to add a labor rate:


  1. Access the Labor Rates setup feature as given in the instructions above.

  2. Click on the labor rate you need to edit, then click the Edit button in the ribbon.

  3. Modify the labor rate, and click OK to commit your changes.


Delete a Labor Rate

Follow these steps to add a labor rate:


  1. Access the Labor Rates setup feature as given in the instructions above.

  2. Click on the labor rate you need to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button in the ribbon.

  4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the labor rate.


Fixed Labor Rates

It's important to realize that any labor line item within a concern, inspection or service package can be set to a fixed labor rate or total. However, fixed labor pricing overrides any shop labor rates that are setup as we explain in this article. Consequently, we recommend that fixed labor rates are only used when absolutely necessary–since any changes to your shop labor rates will not propagate to any labor line items that use fixed pricing.