Service packages are the services, usually a combination of parts (materials) and labor, you sell to your customers.
Click the Tags tab to display or edit the tags associated with this line item.
the button on the right
hand side of the dialog to manage the tags
associate with this line item.
Tags - displays the tags currently associated with this item.
delete a tag, click the tag to select
it and then click the button.
Search... - Allows you search for tags. Type in the full or partial text of a tag to filter the tag list below the search line.
associate a tag with the line item, click
the next
to the tag in the list.
Click OK to save your changes to tags.
Click the Format tab to display the formatting options for the line item.
Set the state of the tri-state check box beside each option to control how the line item displays on a work order document.
Allows you to set automatic searching for labor guide queries. Click the button to edit the criteria and the dialog opens displaying any existing criteria.
Add Criteria - Click the Action button and choose Add.
Select the catalog by clicking in the corresponding check box.
Search Type - Select how you wish to search the labor guide.
Keyword - Type in the keyword or phrase to use in your automated search and then press enter. Choose the closest matching keywords if prompted.
Category - Choose the category and sub-category to display when searching the labor guide.
Click the OK button to save your changes.
Delete Criteria - Select the criteria to delete by clicking on it then click the Action button and choose Delete.
Click OK to save your changes and return to the line item editor.
Click OK to save your changes and return to the concern editor.
The Source tab is used to determine your source of acquisition for the material item. This is either going to be inventory or a supplier for non-stocking inventory. Supplied items will be determined once the item is on a work order. Inventory items can be sourced by clicking on the [Click here to search inventory...] link. The procedures used once the link is clicked are the same as searching inventory from the General tab.
Click the Tags tab to display or edit the tags associated with this line item.
the button on the right
hand side of the dialog to manage the tags
associate with this line item.
Tags - displays the tags currently associated with this item.
delete a tag, click the tag to select
it and then click the button.
Search... - Allows you search for tags. Type in the full or partial text of a tag to filter the tag list below the search line.
associate a tag with the line item, click
the next
to the tag in the list.
Click OK to save your changes to tags.
Click the Format tab to display the formatting options for the line item.
Set the state of the tri-state check box beside each option to control how the line item displays on a work order document.
you to set automatic searching for parts
catalog queries. Click the button to edit
the criteria and the dialog opens displaying
any existing criteria.
you set the definition for the material item
on the General tab then you do not need to
set the Lookup Criteria as it will automatically
be populated.
Add Criteria - Click the Action button and choose Add.
Select the catalog by clicking in the corresponding check box.
Search Type - Select how you wish to search the labor guide.
Keyword - Type in the keyword or phrase to use in your automated search and then press enter. Choose the closest matching keywords if prompted.
Category - Choose the category and sub-category to display when searching the catalog.
Click the OK button to save your changes.
Delete Criteria - Select the criteria to delete by clicking on it then click the Action button and choose Delete.
Click OK to save your changes and return to the line item editor.
Click OK to save your changes and return to the service package editor.
Click the Tags tab to display or edit the tags associated with this line item.
the button on the right
hand side of the dialog to manage the tags
associate with this line item.
Tags - displays the tags currently associated with this item.
delete a tag, click the tag to select
it and then click the button.
Search... - Allows you search for tags. Type in the full or partial text of a tag to filter the tag list below the search line.
associate a tag with the line item, click
the next
to the tag in the list.
Click OK to save your changes to tags.
Click the Format tab to display the formatting options for the line item.
Set the state of the tri-state check box beside each option to control how the line item displays on a work order document.
Click OK to save your changes and return to the service package editor
To Edit a line item, click on it to select it and then click the Edit Line command button in the Service Package Line group of the ribbon. Once the editor opens, edit the line item using the Add Labor Line, Add Material Line or Add Sublet Line instructions.
To delete a line item, click on the line item and then click on the Delete command button in the Service Package Line group on the ribbon.
The Related tab allows you to assign inspections and services that are either put on the work order in addition to the service package or replace it entirely. How the related items behave is established in Service Package Relationships.
The relationships established in the Service Package Relationships dialog are presented:
Select the relationship you wish to use by clicking the check box next to it.
Click OK.
Save - Click this command button to save any changes you made.
Undo - Click this command button to revert all the changes you made since you last saved.